“Companies are facing rising expectations on responsible business conduct”




Click on the world map to explore legal developments in human rights and environmental due diligence laws, as well as national action plans on business and human rights across each country.

National Action Plans (NAP) on Business and Human Rights                NAP developing  
  NAP adopted  
Mandatory Due Diligence (DD) Laws   DD laws developing Narrow or broad due diligence laws in proposal stage, not yet adopted.
  Narrow DD laws adopted   Companies in the scope of the law are required to implement restricted due diligence, covering only certain topics, human rights, or steps of DD.
  Broad DD laws adopted Companies in the scope of the law are required to conduct extensive due diligence, covering most or all topics, human rights and steps of DD.


Map compiled by focusright, sources include www.globalnaps.org, www.bhr-law.org and the European Coalition for Corporate Justice.
©2024 focusright ltd – last updated in December 2024