Recent publications
As thought leaders in the field of business and human rights, we are committed to shaping the discourse and guiding companies in establishing robust management systems. Explore our publications to gain valuable perspectives and stay ahead in navigating the landscape of human rights and environmental due diligence:
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): What do the new EU sustainability due diligence obligations mean for Swiss and other non-EU companies?
In July 2024, the EU CSDDD entered into force and introduced new due diligence duties for companies with regards to adverse impacts on human rights and the environment. Together with the international law firm CMS, focusright created a Q&A with the most important questions and answers for Swiss (and other non-EU) companies that will be directly or indirectly affected by the CSDDD.
Practical guide for the implementation of human rights due diligence
This practical guide helps both SMEs and large companies to develop and implement pragmatic and effective human rights due diligence processes in line with the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines. In addition, it outlines the first steps companies can take when setting up a due diligence system. The guide was created within the frame of the Swiss National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP) on behalf of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. The UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein is strategic partner.
The guide is available in German, French, Italian and English .
Short introduction videos about human rights due diligence and human rights risk assessment
Created by focusright with the support of FDFA and SECO in the context of the Swiss National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights 2020 - 2023. The GCNSL is a strategic partner. The videos are based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Available in English, German, French and Italian.
Why are human rights important for companies? How can companies implement a management system to respect human rights and prevent adverse impacts along their value chain? This explanatory video gives a brief overview of the six steps of human rights due diligence (HRDD) and explains their contribution to sustainable business success.
The video is available in English, German, French and Italian.
How can companies be confronted with human rights risks along their value chain? How can they proactively identify such risks and address them appropriately? This explanatory video provides a brief overview of the three steps of a human rights risk assessment and shows its relevance for people and companies.
The video is available in English, German, French and Italian.
Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: voices from the field
What is human rights due diligence all about? How do Swiss companies implement due diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles? What have they learned, and what are the challenges? What legal developments are companies facing, and how can they best prepare?
In a series of four podcasts, experts from Novartis, Adecco Group and Sucafina and from the Centre for Human Rights Studies of the University of Zürich discuss these and more questions. For anyone interested in the practice of responsible business conduct or looking for inspiration to introduce or further develop human rights due diligence in their company.
The podcast was produced on behalf of SECO International Labour Affairs and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA in the context of the Swiss National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, in collaboration with engageability and the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein.
Certifications, social audits and supplier management tools: What is their role in companies’ human rights due diligence?
What is the role of voluntary sustainability schemes such as certifications, social audits and supplier management tools in companies' human rights due diligence? How can they contribute and what are their limitations? This Q&A provides recommendations to companies on how to apply such initiatives as part of their due diligence.
It is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and was developed by focusright as part of the Swiss National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP).
The Q&A is available in German, French, Italian and English.
Responsible business in conflict-affected or high-risk areas – Q&A for companies
This Q&A gives an overview of what companies need to know about conducting heightened human rights due diligence (HRDD) and operating in a conflict-sensitive manner. It is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and was jointly developed by swisspeace and focusright within the frame of the Swiss National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP) on behalf of the Swiss Confederation. It provides practical advice for companies that are connected to conflict-affected or high-risk areas along their value chain.
The Q&A is available in English, German, French and Italian.
What are conflict minerals, how are companies connected to them and how are they expected to address the risks and impacts of conflict minerals?
Well-documented links between extractive activities and conflicts in some regions of the world have sparked concerns about companies’ contribution to a vicious cycle of violence, instability, and human rights abuses. In this context, legal requirements for responsible business conduct are rising to ensure business respect for human rights and the environment. For adverse impacts related to minerals and metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (conflict minerals), an increasing number of laws are obliging companies to conduct due diligence.
focusright created a Q&A to answer the most important questions for companies looking to get their conflict minerals due diligence started in line with international standards.
To read our short answers to the following questions, click on the links below:
What is child labour and what are the due diligence and supply chain management expectations to address child labour risks in their value chains?
Avoiding child labour and integrating respect for children’s rights in operational procedures were long considered a “best practice” rather than an integral component of business management. In recent years, however, legal requirements for corporate human rights due diligence have risen. Even more so for adverse impacts on child labour, with new laws obliging companies to conduct due diligence for child labour in Switzerland and the Netherlands, among others.
focusright created a Q&A to answer the most important questions for companies that strive to manage their child labour risks proactively and systematically in line with international standards.
To read our short answers to the following questions, click on the links below:
How can I know if my company’s goods and services are linked to child labour?
In what country or operational context is the risk for child labour greatest?
How does child labour look like in my industry or value chain?
What does the new Swiss due diligence requirement for child labour mean for my company?
What measures should my company take to address adverse impacts on child labour?
focusright practice Recommendations, Tools, Guidelines and Checklists for implementing human rights due diligence
Legal Developments & Policy Dialogue
focusright’s Q&A for companies about the two options to implement the new child labour due diligence requirements in Switzerland (August 2022)
focusright’s response to the Swiss Government on the draft implementing ordinance related to the indirect counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative, in German only (July 2021)
Blog post about upcoming due diligence requirements and their implications for Swiss companies: Neue Sorgfaltspflichten für Umwelt und Menschenrechte – Was kommt auf Schweizer Unternehmen zu? in German only (June 2021)
Final report: Monitoring of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights, German Federal Foreign Office & Ernst & Young with systain, adelphi und focusright, in German only (October 2020)
focusright’s commentary on the current political debate in Switzerland about mandatory due diligence: Unglückliche Vermischung zweier Vorlagen, in German only (Aug 2019)
Study: Bestandsaufnahme über die Umsetzung der UNO-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte durch den Bund und durch Schweizer Unternehmen, in German only with Executive Summary in English (Juli 2018)
Blog post/study: COVID-19 Impacts on the Thai Tourism Supply Chain, PATA and focusright (April 2021) (press release here)
Gastbeitrag öbu - Der Verband für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: 70 Jahre Menschenrechte - auch für Unternehmen, in German only (Feb 2018)
Article in Organisations Entwicklung magazine: Menschenrechte: (K)ein Thema für Unternehmen, in German only (Oct 2017)
Reports, Guidance and Tools for Practitioners
focusright: Certifications, social audits and supplier management tools: What is their role in companies’ human rights due diligence? (October 2023)
focusright: explainer videos - introduction to human rights due diligence and introduction to human rights risk assessment (October 2023)
focusright & swisspeace: Responsible business in conflict-affected or high-risk areas – Q&A for companies (June 2023)
engageability & focusright: podcasts series on implementing human rights due diligence (January 2023)
focusright: Human Rights Due Diligence - Step-by-step practical guide for companies (October 2022)
focusright: Human Rights Due Diligence for Non-Governmental Organizations - Why it is needed and how it is done. Working Paper (May 2022)
focusright: Conflict Minerals - Q&A to support companies’ due diligence (January 2022)
Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt der IG BCE: Die Umsetzung der menschenrechtlichen Sorgfalt – Handlungshilfe für Arbeitnehmervertretungen, in German only (October 2021)
focusright: Addressing Child Labour Risks - Q&A to support companies’ due diligence (June 2021)
UN Global Compact: focusright’s Communication on Progress
Contribution to HRIA Guidance & Toolbox, Danish Institute for Human Rights (2020)
Human Rights Impact Assessment Thailand & Myanmar, Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism (March 2020)
Chapter in the Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment, edited by Nora Götzmann, The Danish Institute for Human Rights: Travel and tourism: A comparative analysis of different HRIA approaches (November 2019)
Guidelines for the implementation of human rights-related due diligence in fragile contexts, Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism (Oct 2016)
Recommendations for implementation of labor and social standards for driving personnel in the tourism sector, Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism (Sep 2015)
Contribution to a set of tools on children’s rights due diligence for companies, UNICEF (2012-14)
Kuoni’s Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs) in Kenia (2012) & India (2014) HRIA Guidance & Toolbox HRIA Guidance & Toolbox
Webinar: The role of traceability in human rights due diligence. This webinar was open to participants of the UN GCNSL (22.10.2024)
Webinar: Adoption of the CSDDD: What do the new EU sustainability due diligence obligations mean for Swiss companies? In cooperation with the GCNSL (04.07.2024)
Webinar: Certifications, social audits and supplier management tools – What is their role in human rights due diligence? In cooperation with the GCNSL and the Swiss Federal Administration (SECO & FDFA) (26.10.2023)
Webinar Series: Child Labour Due Diligence. Organized by the GCNSL in cooperation with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) (2023)
Webinar: Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected or High-Risk Areas – what companies need to know and act upon. In collaboration with the Swiss Confederation (SECO & FDFA) and the GCNSL (2023) (05.06.2023)
Webinar: Introduction to Human Rights Due Diligence (in English, German, French & Italian). In collaboration with the Swiss Confederation (SECO & FDFA) and the GCNSL (2023)