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Management consulting on human rights

focusright works with companies to identify and manage human rights risks and impacts in their operations and extended value chains. We advise companies on their human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) process and corporate responsibility strategy by offering the following tailor-made services:


Strategy & Gap Analysis

We help our clients to identify and close gaps, to set strategic directions and define clear, measurable milestones.

Our support includes:

  • Gap analysis against recognised international frameworks and legal requirements (mandatory due diligence obligations, such as the EU CSDDD and the Swiss Counter-Proposal to the Responsible Business Initiative)

  • Developing human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) frameworks and human rights policies

  • Stakeholder consultation and collaboration

  • Practical guidance on integration in existing business processes

  • Management workshops and sensitisation

  • Identifying opportunities and innovation potential


Project examples

Establishing a human rights due diligence framework 

focusright evaluated dormakaba Group’s human rights performance, identified relevant gaps and developed a human rights due diligence framework for the company. Internal and external stakeholder consultations lead to the identification of salient human rights issues, as well as to the elaboration of respective measures and an action plan.  

Gap analysis on human rights due diligence

focusright conducted a gap analysis for Migros Group to assess the current status of processes and measures for implementing human rights due diligence in the company in relation to recognised reference frameworks. Through document analysis, internal stakeholder consultations and workshops, relevant gaps were identified, recommendations for the implementation strategy were developed and technical support was provided for the development of the human rights policy statement.


Risk assessment

We help companies to identify human rights-related risks in their operations and supply chains.

Our support includes:

  • Analysing country- and sector-specific risks and opportunities

  • Research and benchmarking

  • Assessing applicable legal requirements (mandatory due diligence obligations)

  • Identifying salient human rights issues, incl. as a content basis for reporting / the sustainability report


Project examples

“Get started” tool for small- and medium-sized tour operators

The “Get started” tool is part of the website of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism and provides small- and medium-sized tour operators with practical assistance in identifying human rights risks and measures to respect human rights in their operations and along their value chains.

Identifying salient human rights risks in a global value chain 

focusright supported Sonova to conduct an overall human rights risk assessment based on the UNGP and OECD Guidelines. The assessment was performed together with a cross-functional internal human rights working group and covered Sonova’s global value chain. Using a range of methods, including value chain mapping, issue mapping, consultations and interviews, desk research, and internal workshops, the salient human rights issues were identified.


Impact assessment

Based on identified risk areas, we work with our clients on conducting human rights impact assessments (HRIA) to understand their actual and potential impact on rights-holders.

Our support includes:

  • Identifying stakeholders and potentially affected rights-holders

  • Defining the HRIA scope

  • Planning and conducting the HRIA

  • Drafting HRIA report and action plan


Project examples

Human rights impact assessment in Thailand and Myanmar 

On behalf of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism / Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), focusright conducted a human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in Thailand and Myanmar in September 2019. focusright worked with Roundtable members to prepare and conduct this exemplary value-chain oriented HRIA and to develop and implement an action plan for follow-up measures. 

Human rights impact assessment (HRIA) tool for small- and medium-sized tour operators

On behalf of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) focusright developed a practice-oriented HRIA tool consisting of step-by-step guidance and supporting documents for small- and medium-sized tour operators. The HRIA tool is integrated in the Roundtable’s website and publicly available.


Implementing measures

We support our clients in effectively integrating human rights and environmental considerations in their operations and supply chains.

Our support includes:

  • Integrating human rights and environmental considerations in existing business processes and supplier relations

  • Strenghtening responsible supply chain management and increasing traceability

  • Advising on concrete follow-up measures to HRIAs

  • Developing systems to effectively monitor implementation of measures

  • Organisational change management

  • Developing impact-oriented Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of measures

  • Guidance on relevant and credible sector initiatives and certification schemes


Project examples

Responsible supply chain management: mitigating measures for identified risks 

focusright supported Ricola in a traceability study and risk analysis of its supply chain and developed a risk overview and mitigating measures for the company. focusright provides continuing support in the implementation process.  

Consulting on implementing measures in textile supply chains

focusright supports the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles and its member companies in various projects. focusright designed and delivered specific training sessions and guidance papers on implementing human rights and environmental due diligence in textile supply chains for the partnership’s business members. 


Grievance mechanism

We provide guidance for organisations on how to develop effective grievance mechanisms.

Our support includes:

  • Assessing effectiveness of existing complaint mechanisms in line with international standards and legal requirements (mandatory due diligence obligations)

  • Advice on existing sector grievance mechanisms

  • Developing effective grievance mechanisms based on good practice examples


Project example

Matching of whistleblowing-tool with UNGP effectiveness criteria

focusright advised dormakaba Group in assessing the effectiveness of its new globally available whistleblowing system and tool. We used the effectiveness criteria of the UNGPs to assess its conformity with international human rights standard and to provide recommendations for continuous improvement. 


Transparency & Communication

We help companies communicate transparently and credibly with their stakeholders.

Our support includes:

  • Advising companies on developing sustainability reporting content related to human rights in line with international standards (e.g. UNGP Reporting Framework, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)) and European standards (European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)).

  • Providing guidance to companies on meeting sustainability reporting requirements and increasing expectations from investors and business customers (e.g. supplier questionnaires)


Project example

Webinar on tracking and communicating on human hights  

focusright conducted a webinar offered by the Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL) on how to track performance and communicate on human rights. The webinar informed GCNSL members on how companies can monitor the implementation of human rights due diligence and communicate appropriately in the context of human rights. It also addressed reporting requirements for Human Rights Due Diligence.


Connecting actors & facilitating dialogue

Throughout a company’s human rights and environmental due diligence process, we connect actors, facilitate dialogue and carry out meaningful stakeholder engagement in line with international standards and legal requirements.

Our support includes:

  • Establishing stakeholder maps

  • Identifying potentially affected rights holders and their legitimate representatives

  • Prioritizing relevant stakeholders

  • Facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues


Project examples

Human Rights Due Diligence for Non-Governmental Organizations  

focusright has published a Working Paper that aims at supporting NGOs in the implementation of their human rights due diligence (HRDD) process. The project involved a qualitative analysis of NGOs’ current HRDD practice that is based on interviews with Swiss NGO representatives. focusright conducted a workshop with NGO experts to discuss the paper, facilitate dialogue on HRDD and share best practices.

Implementing OK:GO initiative  

The OK:GO initiative helps the Swiss tourism industry to improve accessibility and address the travel requirements of senior citizens and people with disabilities appropriately and to meet their specific needs. This multi-stakeholder initiative is supported by prominent service providers in the Swiss tourism industry and by associations representing people with disabilities. focusright is responsible for the operational management of the initiative and its strategic development. 


Training & capacity building

We support our clients in developing know-how, management capacities and practical knowledge on human rights among employees and suppliers.

Our support includes:

  • Developing and delivering human rights training modules (e.g. general or function-specific trainings)

  • Facilitating workshops and webinars on implementing human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD)

  • Coaching senior management


Project examples

Human rights due diligence training programme

focusright was the implementing partner of an event series offered by the Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein on Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD). The HRDD training programme assisted members of the GCNSL in answering the questions that arise when establishing and implementing their HRDD policies and processes. The focus of the series was tailored to the needs of the participating companies, while preparing them for existing and potentially upcoming regulations. 

Implementing awareness-raising events on HRDD

As part of the Swiss National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP), focusright conducts a series of webinars and workshops to support companies in their HRDD implementation journey. The events’ objective is to provide inspiration and practical support for Swiss companies of different sizes and industries in implementing human rights due diligence and give an overview of the latest national and international regulatory developments in the field.